There are cheats to make money, then there are cheats to get more money, and then there are cheats to make even more money, the motherlode of code.

There are all types of Sims 3 money hacks. Now, coming to the part you have been eagerly waiting for, how to get free money on Sims 3? Now let’s quickly get to the point and list all cheats in Sims 3 so that you can learn how to make free money on Sims 3. The question of how to cheat money in sims 3 remains unanswered. You can go through Sims 4 Promotion or Sims 4 UI Cheats to find out other codes and the correct way to use them. We also have some interesting related articles for you which consist of lists of other Sims 4 cheats. By the end of this, you shall be equipped with all the necessary information required to make your Sim reach new heights of monetary satisfaction by learning all Sims 3 cheats. I bet this has made you curious about how to cheat money in Sims 3, hasn’t it? Here is the ultimate guide on how to do money cheats. The code shall not only boost your pleasure and advantages but also unlock plenty of resources for you. 9999999 Simoleons is the most amount available.įor Sims 3 Supernatural Control + Alt + C at the same time and type “motherlode” in the blue popup “familyfunds ” where y is Sim’s last name or the family name and z is the money required. From the pop-up, select “Let the cheating begin”. Hold LB, LT, RB, and RT together and a pop-up regarding cheat will open. Press L1, L2, R1, and R2 and select llama from the build/buy menu.